2022・06・25-巴赫《耶穌,我的喜樂》及柯利吉亞諾《蕨山》Bach Jesu, meine Freude & Corigliano Fern Hill
踏入初夏,香港和聲為觀眾帶來一場橫跨歐美的合唱音樂盛宴。《蕨山》由囊括普立茲獎、格林美獎及奧斯卡金像獎的美國作曲家柯利吉亞諾於1960年寫成,據英國著名詩人戴蘭‧湯瑪斯的同名詩作作為歌詞,懷緬童年的天真爛漫、故鄉的自然風光。《耶穌,我的喜樂》是巴赫經文歌中篇幅最長、結構最為嚴謹、曲式亦最多變的一首,通過十一節音樂,表達對上主的堅定信靠。此外,香港和聲還會演唱巴西國寶級作曲家魏拉-羅伯士的合唱作品。 經歷漫長疫情,香港和聲期盼通過音樂滋養觀眾的心靈,迎來新的氣象。 As we approach summer, Hong Kong Voices brings you refreshing and exciting music from Europe and the Americas. From Bach’s timeless motet Jesu, meine Freude, to the soundscape of Pulitzer, Grammy, and Academy Award winner John Corigliano, join us for some brilliant and exquisite choral music in June! “John Corigliano is the most […] more…
2020・01・11 & 12-《艾布爾的夜宴》”The Banquet at elBulli”
「他們依言赴約來了, 要告訴我們什麼呢?」 They attended the banquet as promised— had they got something to tell us? 在傳奇分子料理餐廳艾布爾,祭司般的廚師改變食物的型貌、抽取它們的特質重新編織。這個夜晚,作家與老友們,還有年輕詩人和舞蹈家一同赴宴朝聖,細啖生命中各種滋味,是惋惜是哀傷,是驚詫是慈悲…… 〈艾布爾的夜宴〉是已故香港作家也斯收錄在《後殖民食物與愛情》中的短篇小說;整場夜宴如同一場劇場演出,而作者亦藉此探索藝術的本質及其通靈性、其通靈性及可塑性。本地室樂合唱團香港和聲,在指揮蔣頌恩的帶領下,偕同劇場人李君衎及作曲家盧定彰,回歸表演藝術的祭祀形式,讓音樂、文學和劇場直接對話,以半舞台式清唱劇重構這一場「盛宴」。 At the legendary restaurant elBulli, food and ingredients were transformed by its high priest of molecular gastronomy, their essences extracted then weaved anew. A writer and his old friends embarked on a gastronomic pilgrimage and arrived […] more…
2017・06・03-根源 Roots
六月:「根源」 香港和聲《當代合唱音樂沙龍》第四回,夥拍多位香港作曲家,回歸根源探索這個中西文化匯聚的城市,從古今中外的文學詩詞出發,在浪者與世界公民的身份之間找尋廿一世紀香港人的定位。 June: “Roots” The fourth concert of our Contemporary Choral Music series, we turn our focus back to our roots and examine the city that has nurtured a distinctively East-meets-West culture. Taking inspirations from classical poetry and modern literature, we go on a journey with some of the most outstanding Hong Kong composers, searching […] more…
2017・01・08-信念 Faith: Bach & Lotti
一月:「信念」 面對崎嶇前路,你我能否堅守心中的信念,貫徹始終?巴赫《聖誕節神劇》第五部,為新年後第一主日所作,敘述東方賢士前往未知的國度尋找新生救主的旅程。同場還會演出另一位巴洛克作曲家洛提的作品,這位威尼斯聖馬可大教堂的音樂總監,為彌撒經文配上懾人的音樂,對巴赫後期的創作有深遠的影響。 January: “Faith” Facing adversities and uncertainties, can we remain faithful to what we truly believe in? Written for the First Sunday after New Year, J.S. Bach‘s Christmas Oratorio Part V tells the journey of the Wise Men in search of the newborn King in the unfamiliar land; while his Venetian contemporary Antonio Lotti, the maestro di […] more…
2017 樂季預覽 Season Preview
音樂,從未與時代脫節。2016年快將過去,新一年勢必風雲色變。香港和聲2017樂季,以合唱音樂反思如何在無常的世界中安身立命,向未知的將來邁步向前。 At Hong Kong Voices we always believe that music relates to the time and the people. As 2016 is approaching the end, it becomes obvious that what lies ahead will be a significant year for us all. Thus the 2017 season calls for musical reflections: what our faith entails, where our roots lie, and […] more…
2016・06・11-英倫新聲 From the British Isles
CLICK HERE FOR PROGRAMME NOTES OF THE CONCERT 英國的合唱音樂一直備受注目,除了與聖公會的禮儀音樂息息相關,也被不列顛諸島豐富多彩的民歌傳統深深影響。英國當代合唱音樂繼承了浦賽爾、艾爾加、以及佛漢·威廉士的藝術性,以清澈的和聲和細膩的配樂,建立出獨樹一格的英倫新聲。 香港和聲「當代合唱音樂沙龍」第三回,精選英國當代作曲家的合唱作品,包括古鐸、契考特、泰雲納膾炙人口的經典,狄伯特和德林的世俗樂曲;不容錯過的還有哈里斯和瑞特的雙合唱作品,以及米洛的四首玫瑰牧歌-這位新晉的威爾斯作曲家在2011年受英國威廉王子委託,為其皇家婚禮譜寫音樂。 Choral works feature prominently in British music throughout the centuries, with strong ties to the Anglican liturgical music, complimented by the colourful collection of folksongs across the British Isles. Known for its transparent harmonies and delicate text setting, contemporary British choral music inherited the artistry […] more…
2016・04・16-「談情饗樂」”If Music be the Food of Love”
生命需要日用的食糧,心靈卻要音樂的滋養。世紀以來,人類透過食物表達對親友和土地的情感,以音樂抒發對生命的愛與熱情。今個春天,香港和聲以樂入饌,悉心炮製一場集合聲、色、香、味的感官全體驗,讓觀眾同時品嚐美樂和美點,催化聽覺和味覺享受的化學作用,共你一同「談情饗樂」! Food nourishes the body, music nourishes the soul. For centuries food and music have been the universal languages across continents and cultures to express love, passion and affection. This spring, Hong Kong Voices brings you a fine afternoon of refreshing music and artisan canapés. Named after the famous Shakespearean quote, the performance offers a […] more…
2015・12・05-夏邦泰/聖桑/浦朗克 | Charpentier / Saint-Saëns / Poulenc
香港和聲十五周年壓軸鉅獻,為您帶來一場法式音樂盛宴,以不同時代的合唱經典慶祝聖誕。夏邦泰是十七世紀巴洛克時期最優秀的法國作曲家之一,他的《子夜彌撒曲》完全建基於民間的聖誕頌歌,開創音樂史先河。聖桑以多首大型管弦樂曲聞名,不過創作合唱樂曲亦同樣耍家,23歲就任巴黎瑪德蓮教堂首席管風琴師,短短兩個星期便寫成名作《聖誕節神劇》。二十世紀巴黎作曲家浦朗克,富韻味的旋律和清澈通透的和聲為人津津樂道,其《四首聖誕經文歌》把他的風格展露無遺。十二月五日,預祝聖誕,齊來親身體驗一趟法國聖誕音樂之旅! For our 15th anniversary finale, we bring you a selection of French Christmas classics from the Baroque period to the 20th century. Charpentier is remembered as one of the most outstanding composers in the 17th century France. His Midnight Mass is the most popular French mass of the Baroque era, and is the […] more…
2015・06・20-當代合唱音樂沙龍 II Contemporary Choral Music II
自西方的合唱音樂於上世紀被帶到亞洲,作曲家多年來都在探索如何融合本土的音樂語言與西方的功能性和聲。香港和聲十五周年,為你再次帶來「當代合唱音樂沙龍」音樂會,演唱四位亞裔作曲家的曲目,包括本港著名作曲家曾葉發、旅美華人作曲家陳怡、擅長創作合唱作品的日本作曲家松下耕,以及新晉美籍華裔作曲家林子鈞。他們的作品包羅了中西文學—《道德經》、宋詞、中日民歌、歐洲中世紀詩詞,以至佛洛斯特和安徒生的經典現代詩作,萬勿錯過! Choral music has long been considered as a foreign artefact that came to Asia over a century ago. After years of experimentation and assimilation, composers have developed unique solutions to the tension between the vernacular language and the western functional harmony. In celebration of its 15th anniversary, Hong Kong Voices presents the second concert […] more…
2015・01・10-帕勒斯替那/巴赫/莫札特 | Palestrina / Bach / Mozart
十五周年頭炮節目,香港和聲帶你遨遊古典聖樂的時空: 意大利文藝復興巨匠帕勒斯替那,其《短彌撒曲》於1570年出版後便廣被傳頌,數世紀以後的作曲家如李斯特仍對它多番分析研究。 「音樂之父」巴赫,以主顯節清唱劇《示巴的眾人都必來到》作為1724年他在萊比錫首個聖誕期的終結,音樂饒有深意又洋溢喜悅感恩。 莫札特於1780年創作的《證聖者莊嚴晚禱》歷久彌新。音樂學家亞佛列.愛因斯坦認為,沒有認識這些樂章就是沒有認識莫札特。 First in our series of 15th anniversary concerts, we presents to you three outstanding sacred music from Renaissance to the Classical era: Palestrina’s Missa Brevis remained popular since its publication in 1570 – it was still studied and analysed by Liszt even centuries later. Bach’s epiphany cantata Sie werden aus Saba […] more…
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