Our philosophy 我們的理念
Verum gaudium res severa est.
“True pleasure is a serious business.”
Seneca, Roman philosopher c. 4 BC—AD 65
At Hong Kong Voices we take music-making seriously
and strive to achieve artistic excellence,
bringing forth music experience that transcends the boundaries and limits of everyday lives.

© Vincent Lim
About us 關於我們
Hong Kong Voices is a chamber choir established in 2000. Aspired to bring choral music closer to the Hong Kong people, we cultivate the ability of music appreciation among our singers, and offer our audience an artistic experience that both delights and inspires.
Our repertoire spans from the Renaissance to the modern era, including acclaimed works such as Bach’s St. John Passion, Mozart’s Vesperae Solennes de Confessore and Brahms’s A German Requiem. We often introduce some lesser-known choral masterpieces to the audience, most notably we gave the Hong Kong premiere of Schoenberg’s Friede auf Erden in 2005. We also infuse our programme with works by Asian and Hong Kong contemporaries as a tribute to our unique cultural heritage.
We have collaborated with many leading local artists as well as young and rising musicians and vocalists. We perform regularly with our professional instrumental partners and had joined the Hong Kong Sinfonietta in performances of Haydn’s Little Organ Mass and Fauré’s Requiem. We are also involved in cross-media projects such as Samson Young’s music theatre Electric Requiem—God Save the Queen (2009), and Muted Situations #5: Muted Chorus (2016) that appeared in his first Europe solo exhibition at Kunsthalle Düsseldorf. We believe that music lives beyond the concert hall: from 2010 onwards all our live concerts have been captured by Claying’s Studio and are archived on the Internet for educational purpose.
Ken Lam, currently Music Director of Charleston Symphony Orchestra and Illinois Symphony Orchestra, has been our Artistic Director since 2001. Grace Chiang, award-winning Hong Kong choral conductor and soprano, is appointed as Principal Conductor of the choir in 2015.
香港和聲的演唱曲目廣泛,涵蓋文藝復興以至現代音樂,當中包括古典鉅著如巴赫《聖約翰受難曲》、莫扎特《證聖者莊嚴晚禱》及布拉姆斯《德意志安魂曲》等;亦不時挑選較少於本港演出的合唱名作,如2005年為荀伯克的《地上平安》作香港首演。我們非常重視香港獨有的文化傳承,定期演唱亞洲及香港當代作曲家作品,並委約香港作曲家陳慶恩(《弔文》(2017) )、盧定彰(《瑪麗個案》(2017) )及林子鈞(《十年》(2007)及《布蘭詩歌》(2015))創作以粵語演唱的合唱作品。

© Tang Ho-ching
香港和聲經常與本地知名音樂家合作,亦常邀請年輕新晉樂手及聲樂家參與演出。我們定期與由專業樂手組成的樂團夥伴演出,並曾與香港小交響樂團演奏過海頓《小管風琴彌撒曲》及佛瑞《安魂曲》。此外亦參與跨媒體藝術創作,如楊嘉輝的音樂劇場《電子安魂曲:皇后萬歲》(2009) 及首展於德國杜塞爾多夫藝術館的《消音狀況#5:消音合唱》(2016)。香港和聲相信音樂的生命並不局限於演奏廳內,因此我們與Claying’s Studio合作,由2010年開始為我們的音樂會作現場錄音並與互聯網上存檔以作教育用途。