2022・11・05-《舒茲與佛漢威廉士的聖詠選章》Schütz & Vaughan Williams: Sacred Songs




In this Autumn of abating pandemic and ongoing wars in distant lands, Hong Kong Voices brings to you sacred songs by Schütz & Vaughan Williams.

The 17th century German composer Heinrich Schütz travelled extensively as a young man and arrived at Dresden with the grandiose Venetian polyphony. However, as the Thirty Years’ War devastated Central Europe, Schütz’s musical language turned simple and almost austere. We shall perform selections from Zwölf geistliche Gesänge, sacred songs that Schütz composed at the age of 72.

Having experienced the grief and loss of the World Wars, English composer Ralph Vaughan Williams resorted to music’s healing power, often incorporating Renaissance polyphony in his compositions. In this concert we will feature selections of his sacred choral works, including Valiant-for-Truth composed in 1941, as well as the post-war A Choral Flourish. In the midst of war and pandemic, may we pray for peace and joy in our hearts.

2022.11.05 (Saturday) 19:30
Wesley Chapel, Methodist International Church, Hong Kong
Map 地圖>>

節目 Programme


A Choral Flourish 《合唱的華彩號曲》
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis 《尊主頌及求主頌》
Valiant-for-Truth 《堅忍勇士》
The Hundredth Psalm《詩篇第一百篇》


Zwölf geistliche Gesänge, Op. 13 《十二首聖詠》,作品13
I. Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit, SWV 420 《上主,永恆的聖父》
II. All Ehr und Lob soll Gottes sein, SWV 421 《榮耀歸於上帝》
III. Ich gläube an einen einigen Gott SWV 422 《我信獨一上帝》
V. Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen, SWV 424 《我一心稱謝耶和華》
VI. Danksagen wir alle Gott, SWV 425 《我們感謝上帝》
XI. Das Deo gratias nach dem Essen, SWV 430 《飯後謝恩頌》


指揮:孫子承 簡歷 Bio>>

電風琴:黃歷琛 簡歷 Bio>>

Choir: Hong Kong Voices

Conductor: Felix Shuen

Organ: Alexander Wong

票價 Tickets : $200/$100^

門票現於 art-mate 公開發售
Book your tickets now at art-mate.

^ 全日制學生、60歲或以上長者及殘疾人士優惠 Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60+ or persons with disabilities

德語、拉丁語及英語演唱 Sung in German, Latin and English
音樂會招待五歲或以上人士 For ages 5 or above
演出全長約60分鐘,不設中場休息 Duration – Approx. 60 min. without intermission
香港和聲保留更改節目及演出者之權利 Programme and artists are subject to change

如何前往 How to get there


Wesley Chapel, Methodist International Church, Hong Kong
Address: 1/F Wesleyan House, 271 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai