2020・01・11 & 12-《艾布爾的夜宴》”The Banquet at elBulli”


They attended the banquet as promised—
had they got something to tell us?




At the legendary restaurant elBulli, food and ingredients were transformed by its high priest of molecular gastronomy, their essences extracted then weaved anew. A writer and his old friends embarked on a gastronomic pilgrimage and arrived at elBulli one night; along with a young poet and a dancer, they savoured the various tastes of life, nostalgic or melancholic, astounding or forgiving…

The Banquet at elBulli from Postcolonial Affairs of Food and the Heart is a short story by the late Hong Kong writer Ping-Kwan Leung. Presenting the banquet as if it were a theatrical performance, the story explores the nature of art and its innate spirituality. Led by conductor Grace Chiang, local chamber choir Hong Kong Voices collaborates with theatre practitioner Clement Lee and composer Daniel Lo and presents to you this reconstructed “banquet” in the form of a semi-staged cantata, returning to the ritual origin of performing arts and initiating a dialogue between music, literature and theatre.



2020.01.11 (六 Sat) 8:00 p.m.**

2020.01.12 (日 Sun) 3:30 p.m.
Multi-media Theatre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity Map 地圖>>
**設演後藝人談 With post-performance arts talk

節目 Programme

艾布爾的夜宴 The Banquet at elBulli (首演 Premiere)
根據也斯同名短篇小說變奏 A variation on the short story by Ping-Kwan Leung
半舞台式清唱劇 Semi-staged Cantata
粵語演唱 ,中英文字幕 Sung in Cantonese with Chinese and English Surtitles

盧定彰   曲   簡歷 Bio>>
Music by Daniel Lo
李君衎   詞   簡歷 Bio>>
Libretto by Clement Lee



指揮:蔣頌恩 簡歷 Bio>>
導演:李君衎 簡歷 Bio>>
道具設計:鄺巧婷  簡歷 Bio>>
燈光設計:陳家豪 簡歷 Bio>>

女高音:蔣頌賢  簡歷 Bio>>
男中音:余睿添 簡歷 Bio>>
長笛:陳子俊 簡歷 Bio>>
小提琴:許榮臻 簡歷 Bio>>
敲擊:余林橞 簡歷 Bio>>
鋼琴:陳倩婷 簡歷 Bio>>


Commissioned by Hong Kong Voices

Choir: Hong Kong Voices
Conductor: Grace Chiang
Stage Director: Clement Lee
Prop Designer: Sharon Kwong
Lighting Designer: Ivan Chan

Soprano: Esther Chiang
Baritone: Timothy Yu
Flute: Brian Chan
Violin: Mark Hui
Percussion: Karen Yu
Piano: Cynthia Chan


票價 Tickets$250/$212*/$120^
不設劃位 Free Seating

門票現於 城市售票網 公開發售
Tickets are now available at Urbtix

* 優先購票優惠 (至12月8日止)Early bird discount (till 8 Dec)
^ 全日制學生、60歲或以上長者及殘疾人士優惠 Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60+ or people with disabilities (with quota)

音樂會招待五歲或以上人士 For ages 5 or above
演出全長約1小時,不設中場休息 One-hour programme without intermission
香港和聲保留更改節目及演出者之權利 Programme and artists are subject to change


資助 Supported by





如何前往 How to get there

地址:九龍聯合道135 號
Multi-media Theatre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
Address: 135 Junction Road, Kowloon


作曲家盧定彰訪談影片 Video interview with composer Daniel Lo


文本/導演李君衎訪談影片 Video interview with librettist/director Clement Lee