Principal Conductor

© Tang Ho-ching
Grace Chiang 蔣頌恩
Grace graduated from the Music Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, studying voice with Chan Siu-kwan. Upon graduation, she was awarded the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music Scholarship to read for a Master’s degree in Music, majoring in Historical Musicology at Royal Holloway, University of London, where she continued her vocal studies with Baritone Christian Immler.
An active performer, Grace’s interests extend to contemporary music, often performing works by Hong Kong composers; she collaborated with the Chinese Music Virtuosi in premiering Chan Hing-yan’s Schmetterlingsträumen Lieder at the Musicarama 2010, and appeared with the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble in performing works by Lam Bun-ching at the 2012 Macau International Music Festival.
Grace took part in conducting masterclasses and workshops of maestros Stephen Layton, Rolf Beck, James Jordan and William Weinert. Since 2011, she returned to serve at her alma mater, and led the girls’ choir to win Gold Medals at the 2012 Cincinnati, USA and the 2014 Riga, Latvia World Choir Games, as well as the Grand Prix Champion and Special Conductor Prize at the 2016 3rd Singapore International Choral Festival. Her choral experience has also taken her to perform in Austria, United Kingdom, and Mainland China. Grace conducts Hong Kong Voices among various choral ensembles, and recently appeared in performances such as Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem, Mozart’s Vesperae solennes de confessore, and J. S. Bach’s Magnificat BWV243.
蔣氏曾參與Stephen Layton、Rolf Beck、James Jordan及William Weinert的大師班,現於母校任教,並帶領其女聲合唱團於2012及2014年度的世界合唱比賽獲得金獎。以及2016於第三屆新加坡國際合唱節獲特別指揮獎及總冠軍。蔣氏合唱足跡亦遍及歐、美,以及中國大陸;近年指揮香港和聲演唱布拉姆斯《德意志安魂曲》、莫扎特《證聖者莊嚴晚禱》、巴赫《尊主頌》BWV243等。