自古以來人類渴求連結,於後疫情時代尤甚,但連結卻必然隨無可逃避的死亡終結。生與死的意義教人深思,哲學家們則以最大的勇氣,嘗試理解死亡。本次音樂會將通過20世紀作曲家的和聲,讓觀眾一窺17世紀詩人的心靈與哲思。疾病、戰爭、死亡從來離人類不遠,音樂帶領我們面對傷痛、反思離別,並尋求永恆的慰藉。 Perhaps few would disagree that human connection is an essential part of life, particularly in these post-covid times. The meaning of living and of dying has constantly baffled many, and philosophers among us have made their bravest attempts at making sense of it all on behalf of humanity. Notwithstanding all that has been said […] more…
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