2015・01・10-帕勒斯替那/巴赫/莫札特 | Palestrina / Bach / Mozart
- 意大利文藝復興巨匠帕勒斯替那,其《短彌撒曲》於157
0年出版後便廣被傳頌,數世紀以後的作曲家如李斯特仍對 它多番分析研究。 - 「音樂之父」巴赫,以主顯節清唱劇《示巴的眾人都必來到
》作為1724年他在萊比錫首個聖誕期的終結,音樂饒有 深意又洋溢喜悅感恩。 - 莫札特於1780年創作的《證聖者莊嚴晚禱》歷久彌新。
音樂學家亞佛列.愛因斯坦認為,沒有認識這些樂章就是沒 有認識莫札特。
First in our series of 15th anniversary concerts, we presents to you three outstanding sacred music from Renaissance to the Classical era:
- Palestrina’s Missa Brevis remained popular since its publication in 1570 – it was still studied and analysed by Liszt even centuries later.
- Bach’s epiphany cantata Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen (“All they from Sheba shall come”), a festive yet contemplative work, concluded his first Leipzig Christmas cantata series in 1724.
- Mozart composed the timeless masterpiece Vesperae Solennes de Confessore in 1780. Musicologist Alfred Einstein said, “Anyone who does not know these vespers does not know Mozart.”
[ezcol_1half]2015年1月10日(六) 下午七時三十分
拔萃男書院 葉傑全音樂廳
票價 $180 / $100*
[/ezcol_1half][ezcol_1half_end]10 January 2015 (Saturday) 19:30
Yip Kit Chuen Concert Hall, Diocesan Boys’ School
Tickets $180 / $100*
*Full-time students, senior citizens & people with disabilities
Order your tickets NOW by filling in the information below.
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